GCTF Initiatives 2021 - 2022
The CVE Working Group, co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia, developed a Gender and P/CVE Policy Toolkit, which provides practical guidance and advice to support the implementation of the GCTF Good Practices on Women and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and its Addendum. The Toolkit was presented at the Twentieth GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting in September 2022.
The policy toolkit aims to assist practitioners and policymakers in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programs that strengthen CVE efforts by taking into account the gendered aspects of engagement in violent extremism and of approaches to prevent and counter violent extremism. It draws on the expertise of those with practical and expert knowledge of CVE and gender-inclusive policies, and includes information about current trends and best practices, with case studies to provide practical illustrations, and links to additional guidance and information. The development of the policy toolkit was supported by the Global Center on Cooperative Security (GCCS) as the implementing partner under the multi-year Initiative launched in 2020, and complements the Gender and Identities Platform for Countering Violent Extremism and Counterterrorism.
Several multi-year Initiatives were also launched in 2021 under the framework of the GCTF. These include the: