About the GCTF

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is an informal, apolitical, multilateral counterterrorism platform. It is small, nimble, inclusive, and consensus-based. Its overarching mission is to reduce the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism by mobilizing expertise and resources to prevent, combat, and prosecute terrorist acts and counter incitement and recruitment to terrorism. 

The Forum brings together policymakers and practitioners from around the world to share experiences and expertise, and to develop practical, publicly available tools and strategies on how to prevent and counter the evolving terrorist threat. The GCTF is currently co-chaired by Egypt and the European Union. 

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What is the GCTF?


Juvenile Justice: Neuchâtel Memorandum in Action

Juvenile Justice: Neuchâtel Memorandum in Action

The IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative supports not only the individual practitioners who take part in capacity-building workshops but also their national institutions. Recently, IIJ training on juvenile justice programs as an alternative to prosecution so changed the perspectives of two alumnae from Thailand that they inspired training and change at the national level.

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Narratives, Mindsets, Behavior: CVE in West Africa

Narratives, Mindsets, Behavior: CVE in West Africa

7-8 December 2021

In recent years, violent extremism conducive to terrorism has significantly increased in West Africa and the Sahel region. The GCTF Capacity-Building in the West Africa Region Working Group convened a virtual workshop to discuss this subject focusing on narratives, mindsets and behaviors.

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Transitional Justice Approach to FTFs

Transitional Justice Approach to FTFs

1 December 2021

The GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law Working Group organized a one-off meeting to explore the relevance of transitional justice approaches in contexts with a terrorism dimension, and to look at opportunities and challenges for how transitional justice approaches may contribute to a comprehensive, rights-based, rule-of-law approach to foreign terrorist fighters.

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National-Local P/CVE Cooperation Good Practices

National-Local P/CVE Cooperation Good Practices

29 December & 6 December 2021

The GCTF Countering Violent Extremism Working Group, co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia, held the first in a series of workshops under the Initiative on the Practical Use of the GCTF Memorandum on Good Practices on National-Local Cooperation in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism. The Strong Cities Network is the implementing partner.

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