The Visual Impact of Inspired Institution Programming in Africa

6 January 2025

The Visual Impact of Inspired Institution Programming in Africa

This map highlights the important activities carried out by the GCTF-Inspired Institutions in Africa. The map is interactive and features responsive elements that reveal more information when clicking or hovering over them.

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Ministers renew Forum’s commitment to Africa

27 September 2024

Ministers renew Forum’s commitment to Africa
Egyptian Foreign Minister Dr. Badr Abdelatty and the EU HE/VP Josep Borrell convened ministers of the GCTF Coordinating Committee and the African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace, and Security to discuss the evolving terrorist threat in Africa. Read more »

Global Counterterrorism Forum Ministers Renew Commitment to Combating Terrorism in Africa


The Global Counterterrorism Forum held its 24th Coordinating Committee and 14th Ministerial Plenary Meetings in New York City. The high-level meetings brought together international stakeholders to address pressing counterterrorism needs, particularly in East and West Africa. Read more »

Ministers engage in a discussion on rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists at the Thirteenth Ministerial Plenary Meeting

20 September 2023

Ministers engage in a discussion on rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists at the Thirteenth Ministerial Plenary Meeting

At the Thirteenth Ministerial Plenary Meeting, Ministers and high-level officials shared experiences and best practice on the rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists and violent extremists, providing a steer to the broader work of the GCTF and its Inspired Institutions.

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PRESS RELEASE: Kenya and Kuwait join the Global Counterterrorism Forum, strengthening multilateral security and counterterrorism efforts

20 September 2023

PRESS RELEASE: Kenya and Kuwait join the Global Counterterrorism Forum, strengthening multilateral security and counterterrorism efforts
20 SEPTEMBER 2023, NEW YORK | The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) – a platform for multilateral engagement to prevent and counter terrorism – held its twice yearly Coordinating Committee and annual Ministerial meetings on 18 and 20 September. The Forum’s Co-Chairs, Egypt, and the European Union, welcomed Kenya and Kuwait as new GCTF members. This first ever expansion of the Forum reflects the commitment to increasing multilateral cooperation and strengthening regional counterterrorism efforts in Africa and the Middle East. Ministers exchanged views on national experiences on the rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists. Over the course of the three days, over 150 Ministers, senior counterterrorism and criminal justice officials, and practitioners from more than thirty countries and civil society came together to discuss the current global terrorism threats and responses. Read more »