About the GCTF

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is an informal, apolitical, multilateral counterterrorism platform. It is small, nimble, inclusive, and consensus-based. Its overarching mission is to reduce the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism by mobilizing expertise and resources to prevent, combat, and prosecute terrorist acts and counter incitement and recruitment to terrorism. 

The Forum brings together policymakers and practitioners from around the world to share experiences and expertise, and to develop practical, publicly available tools and strategies on how to prevent and counter the evolving terrorist threat. The GCTF is currently co-chaired by Egypt and the European Union. 

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What is the GCTF?


Awareness Raising and Operationalizing the GCTF “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism” (REMVE) Toolkit

Awareness Raising and Operationalizing the GCTF “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism” (REMVE) Toolkit

21 February 2023

Today, the launch event for the Awareness Raising and Operationalizing GCTF “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE) Toolkit” Initiative took place. The Initiative Leads, the United States and Norway, focused on building awareness and providing guidance for practitioners on how best to operationalize the recommendations within the toolkit.   Read more »
A Multitude of P/CVE Perspectives

A Multitude of P/CVE Perspectives

14 February 2023

The Countering Violent Extremism Working Group (CVE WG) hosted its fourth workshop under its Initiative on Funding and Enabling P/CVE initiatives at the Community Level, supported by GCERF. This session builds on the third workshop, highlighting knowledge and best practice sharing in funding and enabling local P/CVE initiatives.

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Good Practices in the Area of Border Security and Management in the Context of Counterterrorism and Stemming the Flow of “Foreign Terrorist Fighters”

Good Practices in the Area of Border Security and Management in the Context of Counterterrorism and Stemming the Flow of “Foreign Terrorist Fighters”

Video on the Good Practices in the Area of Border Security and Management in the Context of Counterterrorism and Stemming the Flow of “Foreign Terrorist Fighters” Read more »
Antalya Memorandum on the Protection of Soft Targets in a Counterterrorism Context

Antalya Memorandum on the Protection of Soft Targets in a Counterterrorism Context

Video on the "Antalya Memorandum on the Protection of Soft Targets in a Counterterrorism Context" Read more »

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