About the GCTF

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is an informal, apolitical, multilateral counterterrorism platform. It is small, nimble, inclusive, and consensus-based. Its overarching mission is to reduce the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism by mobilizing expertise and resources to prevent, combat, and prosecute terrorist acts and counter incitement and recruitment to terrorism. 

The Forum brings together policymakers and practitioners from around the world to share experiences and expertise, and to develop practical, publicly available tools and strategies on how to prevent and counter the evolving terrorist threat. The GCTF is currently co-chaired by Egypt and the European Union. 

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What is the GCTF?


Closing out the third interactive two-day workshop to operationalize the twenty-six recommendations of the Berlin Memorandum focusing on emerging technologies

Closing out the third interactive two-day workshop to operationalize the twenty-six recommendations of the Berlin Memorandum focusing on emerging technologies

5 - 6 December 2023

The United Kingdom and the United States are hosting a series of operationalization webinars as part the GCTF Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems and New, Emerging, and Disruptive Technologies Initiative. The third virtual workshop looking into the benefits and challenges of emerging technologies on Unmanned Aerial Systems was held recently, where simulations helped bring to life the twenty-six recommendations of the Berlin Memorandum.

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Placing education at the heart of preventing and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism efforts

Placing education at the heart of preventing and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism efforts

23 November 2023

Education as a universal value transcends cultures and contexts and can therefore be a vehicle in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) conducive to terrorism efforts and interventions. The GCTF Education and P/CVE Initiative, led by the European Union and Morocco, supported by the GCTF CVE working group, with Hedayah as implementing partner, Launched the GCTF Education and P/CVE Initiative which seeks to build on, improve and make more current the good practices and recommendations as shared in the Abu Dhabi Memorandum.

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GCTF Border Security and Management (BSM) Initiative - First BSM Exploratory Dialogue: Integrating and Promoting Human Rights and Gender-Sensitive Approaches

GCTF Border Security and Management (BSM) Initiative - First BSM Exploratory Dialogue: Integrating and Promoting Human Rights and Gender-Sensitive Approaches

14 November 2023

In a rapidly evolving world, the challenges of border security and management have become more complex than ever before. International terrorism, transnational crime, and the movement of foreign terrorist fighters have necessitated a comprehensive approach to safeguard borders. The GCTF Border Security and Management (BSM) Initiative Leads, Jordan, the United States and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism organized the First BSM Exploratory Dialogue: Integrating and Promoting Human Rights and Gender-Sensitive Approaches.

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An interactive, two-day workshop including real-life simulations to improve national-level terrorist watchlisting and screening processes

An interactive, two-day workshop including real-life simulations to improve national-level terrorist watchlisting and screening processes

8 - 9 November 2023

Building on the success of previous workshops and engagements, the GCTF Foreign Terrorist Fighter (FTF) Working Group Co-Chairs, Jordan and the United States, organized a two-day, interactive workshop focused on raising awareness and helping put into action the recommendations shared in the GCTF Counterterrorism Watchlisting Toolkit with focus on the countries located in the Western Hemisphere.

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