2 March 2021
The GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law (CJ-ROL) Working Group Co-Chairs, Nigeria and Switzerland, convened the annual Plenary Meeting on 2 March 2021 in a virtual format. The mandate of Nigeria and Switzerland as the Co-Chairs of the CJ-ROL Working Group was extended for a period of one year, until September 2022, at the Seventeenth GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting held virtually in autumn 2020. In light of this development, the CJ-ROL Working Group Co-Chairs have updated the Work Plan of the Working Group, which was presented and discussed during this meeting. The meeting also provided an update on the progress made with regards to the implementation of CJ-ROL Framework Documents as well as an opportunity for GCTF partners to present on their ongoing initiatives and capacity-building efforts related to criminal justice and the rule of law in a counterterrorism context.