The Convening Power of the West Africa Working Group

The Convening Power of the West Africa Working Group

26 February 2024

The terrorism threat in Africa, especially West Africa, is growing rapidly. Initially across the Sahel, the active terrorist groups have been expanding their terrain, moving towards coastal states. Their growing influence continues to destabilize the region.

The West Africa Capacity-Building Working Group (WA WG), co-chaired by Algeria and Germany, is dedicated to enhancing and reinforcing regional counterterrorism capabilities. To date, the working group has facilitated regional and international exchanges of experiences, built stronger networks, and promoted cooperation in the fight against terrorism in West Africa.

The meeting featured key regional partners from West African states and regional organizations who highlighted the value added of the WA WG through its series of thematic regional meetings, and the national capacity-building activities, conducted by the WA WG implementing partner UNODC terrorism prevention branch, that are tailored to the needs of local communities which were thoroughly discussed during the regional meetings. This WA WG model of activity contributes to strengthening inter-agency and cross-border cooperation among West African representatives in the security and justice sectors. Contributions by international partners and experts to these activities were spotlighted, highlighting the unique added value of the GCTF as a global, multilateral, informal counterterrorism platform. The working group seeks to build a strategic plan of activities that are streamlined and address the specific challenges of the region, especially at remote border areas. 

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