Ministers engage in a discussion on rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists at the Thirteenth Ministerial Plenary Meeting

Ministers engage in a discussion on rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists at the Thirteenth Ministerial Plenary Meeting

20 September 2023

During the Ministerial Plenary Meeting, Ministers shared national experiences and best practice on rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorists and violent extremists into peaceful communities.

They discussed how lessons learned from ongoing efforts to rehabilitate and reintegrate radicalised individuals could be integrated into the broader work of the GCTF, and driven by the three Institutions closely associated with the GCTF – the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), Hedayah, and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) – collectively known as the GCTF-Inspired Institutions.

In line with their strategic priorities, the Co-Chairs called for a whole-of-society approach which fosters multi-stakeholder collaboration. By leveraging a wide range of resources and expertise, Co-Chairs and GCTF members seek to innovate and enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of rehabilitation efforts. Linked also to prevention, deradicalization and criminal justice efforts to tackle terrorism, these efforts are critical to allowing the reintegration of former terrorists into peaceful society.

The GCTF Ministerial Meeting meets once per year. Ministers and high-level officials representing the GCTF Members come together to discuss the current terrorism threats and actions required.