Tenth GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting

Tenth GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting

19 September 2016

Key highlights included an innovative scenario-based discussion that highlighted practical challenges in countering the life cycle of radicalization to violence and the applicability of GCTF tools designed to address these challenges.

In addition, GCTF Members were presented with the outcomes of two key initiatives - the “Initiative to Address the Life Cycle of Radicalization to Violence” and the International Counterterrorism and CVE Capacity-Building Clearinghouse Mechanism (ICCM) - and welcomed eight new framework documents to be presented for adoption at the Ministerial Plenary Meeting on 21 September 2016.

Working Group Co-Chairs updated members on activities conducted since the last Coordinating Committee Meeting held in April 2016 in The Hague and the three GCTF-inspired institutions – GCERF, Hedayah, and the IIJ – briefed members on their work in implementing and operationalizing the GCTF’s strategic priorities. Furthermore, the United Nations updated participants on the UN’s Global CT Strategy and the Secretary-General’s Plan of Action on PVE.