National-Local Cooperation 

Terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism are multifaceted threats that are global and local in nature. The transnational nature of these threats requires continued international cooperation in all aspects of a response. At the same time, the relevance of local contexts challenges international actors to connect with and support local actors.

Along with relevant GCTF resources, the partner resources highlighted here can contribute to a comprehensive approach that includes contributions from all levels of actors.

Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) ˅˄

  • Coming soon...

Hedayah ˅˄

  • Coming soon...

The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ)˅˄

  • Coming soon...

Global Center on Coorperative Security (GCCS)˅˄

This brief explores how civil society is included in national frameworks to prevent and counter violent extremism at different stages of the policy cycle, including in design, development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation

This report contains a comparative evaluation of national strategies to prevent and counter violent extremism, to explore how they reflect recommendations and good practices outlined by the United Nations. Drawing upon a sample of 19 national strategies, the report analyzes the procedures and standards of policy planning that underpin the development of countries’ strategies.