On 4 June, the Initiative Leads, Germany and Kenya, held an interactive virtual workshop with key experts and practitioners to discuss evidence on the nexus between climate fragility and vulnerability NS violent extremism conducive to terrorism.
The GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law Working Group (CJ-RoL WG), co-chaired by Italy and Nigeria, with the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) as the Implementing Partner, organized an expert meeting to discuss existing good practices to protect witnesses and justice officials participating in terrorism cases’ proceedings. The one-day expert meeting was followed by the second Plenary Meeting of the Working Group under the auspices of its Co-Chairs.
On 25 April, the GCTF Initiative on Education for the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism, led by the European Union and Morocco, with Hedayah as Implementing Partner, held a Thematic Expert Workshop in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop enabled GCTF Members and experts to exchange insights, share best practices, and explore innovative approaches to education as a valuable tool to prevent and counter violent extremism conducive to terrorism (P/CVE).
On 16 and 17 April, the GCTF Border Security and Management (BSM) Initiative Leads Jordan, the United States and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), convened the second BSM Initiative workshop in Rome, Italy, to continue to develop the Addendum to the 2016 GCTF Good Practices in the Area of Border Security and Management. The Initiative aims to promote an inclusive and collaborative approach towards border security, grounded in respect for human rights and the rule of law.
Women and girls are fundamental in countering terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism. To celebrate International Women’s Day, the GCTF highlights the role of women in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism as well as the extensive work done by the GCTF to promote gender-sensitive approaches in counterterrorism efforts in good practices and toolkits.
From 26 -29 February the GCTF 23rd Coordinating Committee Meeting, co-chaired by Egypt and the European Union, and side events on its margins were held in Nairobi, Kenya. Key highlights from the week include , the renewal of Egypt and the EU’s Co-Chairs’ mandate for two more years, new GCTF Members Kenya and Kuwait reviving the East Africa Working Group, in-depth conversations about the terror threat in Africa and a holistic approach to the prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration of former terrorists, and the launch of a new GCTF Initiative on the nexus between climate change and violent extremism.
29 FEBRUARY 2024, NAIROBI | The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) – a platform for multilateral engagement to prevent and counter terrorism – held its 23rd Coordinating Committee Meeting on 29 February in Nairobi, Kenya. Egypt and the EU, remaining at the helm of the Forum for a further two years until 2026, restated their strong commitment to supporting African-led efforts to combat the scourge of terrorism, partnering and engaging with African states, regional organizations and those closest to the most vulnerable communities. The event was held under the auspices of H.E. Dr. Monica Juma, National Security Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kenya. Senior counterterrorism and criminal justice officials, civil society practitioners and leading think-tanks, along with key partners, international organizations, and the GCTF-Inspired Institutions, joined the 32 GCTF Members to explore opportunities for joint action to counter and prevent terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism.
The Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group Co-Chairs, Australia and Indonesia, reflect on delivered activities in their Twelfth Plenary organized on the margins of the 23rd GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya to strategize on the way forward to seek more cross-functional partnerships for a cohesive and integrated approach to preventing and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism (P/CVE).
The EU and Kenya hosted a meeting on the margins of the 23rd Coordinating Committee Meeting to take a closer look at financing and media strategies sustaining terrorist groups in the region and how to dismantle them.