The United States hosted the fourth of a series of region-specific webinars to raise awareness of terrorists' current and potential misuse of the maritime sector for travel, to promote discussion, and to share experiences and expertise.
The Co-Leads of the Watchlisting Guidance Manual Initiative held the second of a series of Technical Workshops on the Application of Watchlists of Known and Suspected Terrorists, Including Foreign Terrorist Fighters.
The GCTF Capacity-Building in the East Africa Region Working Group (EAWG) Co-Chairs, Egypt and the European Union (EU), convened the Third Plenary Meeting in a virtual format on 25 November 2020.
The GCTF Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group, Co-Chaired by Australia and Indonesia and supported by the Global Center on Cooperative Security, held a series of three virtual workshops to inform the development of the Gender and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) Policy Toolkit.
The Co-Leads of the Watchlisting Guidance Manual Initiative held the first of a series of Technical Workshops on the Application of Watchlists of Known and Suspected Terrorists, Including Foreign Terrorist Fighters.
In this expert meeting, Co-Leads and participants examined shared objectives and tension points in order to articulate priority issues for the initiative as well as map existing good practices and standards.
The United States, Lead of the Initiative on Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel, hosted a region-specific webinar to raise awareness on terrorists' current and potential misuse of the maritime sector for travel, promote discussion of national approaches to counter terrorists' exploitation of the maritime sector.
The United States, which leads the GCTF Initiative on Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel, hosted the second of a series of region-specific workshops, this time focusing on East Africa.
The United States hosted the first of two region-specific webinars on Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel to raise awareness, promote discussion, and share experiences and expertise.