Following the launch of the GCTF Addendum to the GCTF New York Memorandum on Good Practices for Interdicting Terrorist Travel, the FTF WG Co-Chairs, Jordan and the United States, held the first workshop of a series which highlights counterterrorism practice considerations, challenges, and opportunities.
In line with the GCTF good practice of engaging the private sector to increase vocational and technical capacities of youth, GCERF partnered with IHS Towers in Nigeria to train young people in basic information and communications technology skills. The training certified 120 young people over four days in Kano state.
The return of family members of foreign terrorist fighters is an ongoing and increasingly salient issue. The GCTF FTF Working Group convened a regional workshop to look at integrating policy and practice related to returning families in the Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Middle East.
In Kosovo, GCERF, a GCTF Inspired Institution, supports returnees from conflicts abroad—and their families—to reintegrate into their communities. One mother of five shares her experience.